There are many ways we can make creative decisions. We can develop it by practice, by being self aware, by caring for our relations. We can fuel our creative side by paying attention to our needs. In order to be creative we need to trust ourselves. We need to be bountiful and live instead of being restricted and not opening ourselves to opportunities. This bountifulness develops our inner child and we start to cultivate our creativity.
We begin with unknown in our life and that unknown needs to be discovered and cultivated in order to become something creative. This means that we have the capacity and possibility of growth and becoming. We just need to cultivate this. We can do this by exercising our creative muscles, by enjoying our hobbies, doing physical exercise and trusting our intuition.
Creativity is possible when there is motivation for creativity. This state is possible when we are focused. Creativity is not just created by us individuals, it is a process, this process is possible when we are in relation to other objects, when we make a connection and as a result, something new is possible. This relativeness of creativity is what makes it interesting. We think of an idea, we come up with ways to make it happen, we try to be innovative in our implementation. All these contribute to our creativity but there is also another side to this. People who see our creativity, will they also perceive it as creative? This is an important question, because it is not enough what we think, what we produce, but also how our creativity is perceived is important.
It is fair to say that creativity is contextual. This is because the culture and the environment impact the creativity and how it is perceived. Creativity is meant to solve an issue and the time and the place that creativity is exercised is a major factor. Creativity is an attitude towards life, this is because we can have creative ability but not the creative attitude. This is to have the courage to go ones own way regardless of what others think and say. In this context something can be creative regardless of others opinion of it. Therefore the creative person has a new way of solving a problem while in the process breaks free from ones own and others thought limitations.
Creativity is an energy within us that is waiting to be tapped into. This energy can be reached through creative exercise. It can be reached in a walk. It can be reached while we actively listen to others. There are many ways to enrich and access our creative side. Creativity also helps with our mental health through self expression. It also connects us to the world through self expression, helping us to grow. Therefore through creativity we can live a richer and more fulfilling life.
Creativity also promotes brain development, allowing us to try new ideas, new methods of thinking and problem solving. Creativity allows us to enter a flow state where we can be more happy and increases our psychological wellbeing. Creativity allows the person to flex the creative muscles and to
express ones feelings, thoughts and generally imagining.
There is a large scope to creativity and how is shown in our life. For example creativity is not only in art subjects, but it can be shown in engineering through solving problems, in history through making connections and finding what motivates us, and there are many more examples depending on the
Creativity helps progress innovation through technological advances to artistic means as well as through problem solving skills. Creativity is also used as a mean for self fulfilment and self expression through engagement in activities such as writing, painting, expressing our emotions and thoughts through self expression. Creativity fosters cultural and social values through literature, art, media and many other means. Also creativity enhances our cognitive, educational and emotional abilities, helping with adoptability, flexibility, collaboration and innovation. Therefore engaging in creative activity is important in a thriving, adaptable and innovative society.
Creativity has been associated with our right side brain. Where we are spontaneous, intuitive and empathetic. This imaginative side helps us see the big picture and assess and interpret reality from an innovative angle. It is important to note that creativity isn’t solely associated with the right hemisphere, both sides of the brain interact to foster creativity.
Creativity can lead to personal fulfilment. It enables individuals to solve problems in an innovative manner. Creativity helps promote brain development. Creative individuals often take up different tasks and enjoy many different activities, they are intuitive and it is hard for them to slow down. Creative individuals are good problem solvers and communicate ideas through creative expressions. Creative thinking encourages flexibility and helps us navigate and respond to change. Also engaging in creative activity as a group helps us strengthen our connection and build positive emotions.
Part of being creative is to learn and to make mistakes. Just like any other skill the more you practice creativity the better you get at it. This helps to get good at making connections. It is about embracing our fears and our inner critics. There are limits to every person creativity but there is no limit to our curiosity. As long as we are curious and want to learn and try new connection we are fuelling our creativity.
Creativity requires lateral thinking and discovering patterns that are not immediately apparent. Creativity is both beneficial and essential in our life and our wellbeing. In order to cultivate creativity, we need to take risk, play, be curious, and try new things. Environment is also important in cultivating creativity, we need to exercise our brain, use good nutrition, and ensure we take up new tasks and experiences. Creative individuals can be from any background, they can be scientists, artists or any other profession. Creativity can be cultivated at any age, overall it is better to keep an open mind and try new experiences as creativity is an important factor in quality of our life.