We look for meaning in life. We look for something we can relate to, we want to belong to something with more value. However sometimes we feel empty. We feel that nothing is complete, and everything is broken. Nothing contains the answer we are looking for. We search for a lot of different meanings, and want to find something to hang on to. We sometimes try our best to find a new understanding but no answer is found.
Usually in these circumstances, best will be to slow down. You don’t have to reach the mountain top in one day, you don’t have to have all the answers. In particular you are responsible for what is out of your control. Try to find something that relaxes you, try to find meaning in little things. Try and relate to something new or familiar that makes you see things in a different light, perhaps in a more positive light, or a more realistic light. Our perspective about life effects our life. We sometimes need a new angle to look at things differently. We sometimes need to see things from a new perspective. We need introspection in order to structure our thoughts and feelings. Perhaps then the emptiness does not bother us any more.
Our life may feel empty at times and may not feel like there is any particular meaning but this does not need to remain the same. For example, our feelings change as and when we start to move forward. In particular, thoughts and feeling change positively when we try and relate to something worth relating to. This maybe our family, friends, job, society, course or many other possibilities and opportunities. Our work is done when we can see the benefit in doing something worth doing, then a meaningful chapter starts. We need to find something beneficial for ourselves and for others. That then does not feel empty, this gives life lots of meaning.
Generally, we feel many emotions throughout our lives, the trick is to feel through the emotions. To accept them to be with them and feel them. There is no need to rationalise a feeling, we just need to feel it, this will remove emptiness as a burden. And instead emptiness becomes our ally, we then experience life as it should be with all its negative and positive emotions.
There is no such thing as bad emotion, all emotions have a reason for existing. Emptiness also has a reason for existing. We feel emptiness because we want to feel fulfilment and fulfilment is missing from our life. Now when we feel fulfilment, is it possible that we miss emptiness from our life? My answer is yes. The reason that we will miss emptiness from our life is not that we want to feel empty, but it is that fulfilment has a meaning as long as we experience emptiness. Now this experience is innate within us, it is in our gene, this is why we feel fulfilled. Therefore by accepting that emptiness is also part of our life, we accept that we have the potential to fulfil this emptiness, as this is also part of our life.