There is a point in life when we need to decide on who we are and what we do. We cannot live a lie and try to be someone that we are not. We may like many things, we may crave many things. Sometimes what we crave and don’t have move us away from our real self. What we need to do is be true to what we like and enjoy.
We need to work hard and move towards our purpose. Our purpose is what make us closer to ourself, it is what makes us complete and it is circular. We need to instruct ourselves in such a way that we have a plan to help ourself be comfortable with who we are.
There is wisdom in accepting our limitations and trying to improve our strengths. We cannot be what others want us to be. We cannot be our half self. Instead we need to exercise our real self. And our real self is who is true to ourselves. It has limitations, it has strengths and many different attribute. So we should not be afraid and instead we should explore endeavours that we enjoy and keep us moving. We need to move towards our more complete self. We have our real self, our current self image and our ideal self. At any point that these three are in harmony this is where we are true to our inner being. We are morally good by nature, and the rest of life events shape our characters. Therefore when we have balance between our self image, true self and ideal self. This will mean we are moving towards our nature.
At any point in our life we may want to fulfil our potential, we can do this as long as we trust our inner self and we believe in our true self image. Therefore we first need to cover the basics in our life, then we can move towards covering other parts of our self and our life. This is possible as long as we have the right environment, right attitude and right resources. Thereafter we can break uncertainties and to enhance our life.
Life is a journey and we develop harmony and compassion, as long as we reach inner peace with our values, purpose and passions in life. We are part of our environment and in order to be our authentic self we need to be connected with our natural self and our nature. This is when we feel self fulfilment in what we do and who we are.
There are times in our life where we will be judged, there are times in our life where we are not seen in positive regard. And there are times in our life where we are challenged. In these situations learn from what you don’t know, learn from your blind spots. Also ignore the parts that is not true. Moving towards our nature is only possible when it happens in our own pace, where no one else is rushing us to move, where we are in control of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Something to be aware of is that life influences us, and while this is true, we have the capacity and possibility to overcome these influences. This doesn’t mean to swim against the life waves, it means to have the skill necessary to swim skilfully with what life puts in our way.