As it is my turn
I am strong, act like believing
I am number one, act like believing
I am smart, act like believing
I am creative, act like believing
I am joyful, act like believing
I am friendly, act like believing
I am resourceful, act like believing
I am all I need, act like believing
I have all I need to have drama, tragedy, comedy, romance, and many many more in life. We give meaning to our life by taking ourselves through to certain directions. We all have various directions we can take in life. We just need to act like we believe in ourselves. We are social beings, we need other people and other people need us. This helps us with our direction taking and decision making. We need to create our opportunities and our directions in life according to our core beliefs, these beliefs need to be realistic. These beliefs need to be in balance with our character and our authentic self. Therefore by not having distorted beliefs we can liberate ourselves in our life. Our life is dependent on us taking action, making mistakes, and change if needed and be flexible towards our purpose and intention in life. This helps us having goal in life and believe in ourselves to reach our goals.
We need to celebrate our diversity and our existence. We need to celebrate our being, we need to celebrate being part of something bigger. There are a lot we have in common with others, there are a lot we can celebrate as being part of something bigger and something worth looking up to. We celebrate ourselves and others achievements and abilities. We celebrate the diverse possibilities that we have and others have in a society.