There are differences in how we see things compared to others. There are differences in how we reflect on things, and there are differences in how we perceive reality. There is a lot we can see and do with our intellect. But There must be something more enhanced than our intellect. Our intellect lets us evaluate things and make decisions while exploring and analysing data and events.
We must have something more enhanced that is not bound by our worldly laws. There must be something that is different in nature! There must be something that we can reach and feel that is not bound to our genetics, social status and our upbringing. There is something that we are and it is us. Yet it is boundless and outside of our intellect world!
Something that its source is within us and something that cultivates our real self! Our real self is our initiation self. It is self that only we can experience and it is separate from our past and future. This is our outlook and it is different from anything and anyone else. This source is a feeling of uniqueness and also a feeling of belonging to oneself and our surroundings.
We make and break our reality; Our reality cannot be explained by our intellect or any other intellectual feature on its own. Our reality is something that belongs to us and yet it is in harmony with our surroundings. It is part of our character and our unique self which differentiates us from others and can also bring us closer to everything around us. This is our unique self, our individual self with its unique features and means.
In the most basic term we have our nature and nurture effecting our outlook in life. On one hand our gene, out family history, our background to some extent determines our outlook and our individuality. On the other hand our environment, our surrounding impact our outlook and our individuality. Therefore we need to accept that we are social beings, we are impacted by our past and our present. We also have freedom to the extent that we know that we are responsibly for our action, and we accept the consequences of our decisions. This will create our outlook and our individuality in life.
There are various factors that effect our individuality. These are our genetics and biology such as our height, gender, how we deal with stress and emotions. Also family and upbringing impacts our individuality, such as our parenting styles, early experiences, beliefs and values.
Culture and society shapes our beliefs and influences our ideas. Therefore media, social media, and social institutions influence our attitudes and our behaviours. Our education, past events and choices also impacts our decision making. Another factor to consider is luck or chance, where we are born, our economical situation or condition effect our freedom and choices, therefore it impacts our individuality and outlook in life.
Our self awareness and our control over our emotions and motivations cultivates qualities that make us align with our reality and therefore our true self and enhances our individuality. Therefore it is about being aware of a dynamic blend that evolves and gives rise to our identity that is personal and distinct from others; These will contribute to shaping our outlook in life and our individuality.
Human beings are creative creatures, sometimes they come up with a new idea that will change the course of life. And a lot of time they make small new creative decisions daily. These creativity sometimes is judgemental, sometimes is emotional, sometimes is positive, sometimes logical, and sometimes it is about recognising new patterns. Our creativity and our individuality and uniqueness are amalgamated. We learn new information, we find new ways of doing things and we implement the relevant changes according to the needs of ourselves and our environment.
There are many factors to consider in terms of outlook in life and our individuality. We have our inner state of mind and thinking. We also have the outer state of mind impacting our inner state. These outer and inner states may differ in many circumstances. Sometimes even it is necessary to have them separate and different. There are times when it is wise to be different in an environment, and filter our responses. Also there are times where we can trust our environment and be ourselves.
We need to know that sometimes we may get anxious and uncertain about our responses and our thoughts. Sometimes we may behave in an unpredictable way. No matter how we respond to situations we need to know that in order for us to grow we need to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. We need to know that sometimes our inner state and our inner thoughts are not compatible and in accordance to the conventions and norms of the society. In order for us to grow we need to accept this and to be aware that we have features and thoughts and feelings that may not be conventional but they are nevertheless part of us and part of who we are, being aware of this helps our outlook in life and our individuality.
We need to experience and self realize in opposition to social norms and universal systems. We need to learn that our unique self has its identity, preferences and personality. Cultures can both promote and suppress our individuality, therefore we need to be aware of our uniqueness within the cultural and social systems. This is because both individuals and societal structures hold power in shaping someone outlook in life. Therefore by being aware of this we can try and choose our preferred methods along the way.
Another method that improves and enhances our individual capacity is education, as it should suit the learner capacity, abilities and preferences. Therefore the person can independently express oneself through behaviour, art and other forms and also to make choices that are unique to their personality, while knowing that this is an ongoing process and we continue to explore and learn.