Emotion and thought, both have a place in existence and need to be developed. Writing is about improving on our voice in life.
Order and life intentionality
We need to create a new discipline for ourselves. This new discipline should liberate us and help us grow and have structure in life.
My turn is being active part of society
We give meaning to our life by taking ourselves to certain directions. We all have various directions we can take in life.
Opportunity and finding our way
A lot of our life is dependent on the way we talk to ourselves and the way we create our new paths in life.
Nurturing our thoughts
Cultivation (nurture thoughts) is a major force to increase our ability to cope with everyday tasks. This needs to be cultivated.
Mystery and living a fulfilling life
Mystery is an element of love and keeping it as part of our relationships is important in maintaining the relationship.
Music and our connections
There is a need for the highest common denominator between different world views. Music is common between them.
Our reflection, our perception and our beliefs are based on the way we see ourselves. Therefore build confidence and move on.
We use our mind as a tool, we have more control over our choices and our future. We make things happen based on our resources.
Mind palace
We create our possibility in our mind palace, as well as in any other place. We are our own masters. We think, perceive and interpret.
Migrate is about migrating our thought. It is about transference and state of moving forward towards new possibilities.
When feeling ashamed as a result of this inaction, we need to know that it does not define us, and we need to keep on trying.
Broken glass is about the condition of thinking of a person affected by the thinking of another, as well as the environment.
We have been in many circumstances where there is no way we can exceed expectations. Therefore we need to be realistic in approach.
Inner Voice
We can try our best, but when our best is not enough then it is better to renew ourselves. This is to improve our interaction with reality.
Let go
We generally hang on to what we have and what we like and find it hard to let go when needed. But this is not a healthy approach.