Really think – is about being present in the moment

What to think?

Get a pen and paper

Begin writing and creating

Where to begin?!

Forgetting all distractions

Now pick a thought

Perhaps an intuitive beginning

Experiencing moments

Reflecting on one’s presence

Flourishing a genuine thought

Genuine in it essence and reflection

A thought in sync with meaning

Enriched with feeling

Happiness, excitement and mystery

We choose our experiences

We live our moment purposefully

But how to remain true to thought?

Understand your life back to front

Same as understanding all above

Freedom to experience our real thought!

Now read from bottom to top!

woman wearing brown sweater holding lips

We all have many thoughts, sometimes we don’t know what thought is beneficial to us. What thought we need to cultivate and how we need to go about experiencing our thoughts. This question of what to think? has two aspects one is that do we have full control over what we think and the other is whether our thoughts whether are manifest of our environment. Therefore to really be able to think for ourselves we need to be able to have control over our thoughts and to manage them effectively.

We need to take initiative in managing what we think and what we want to do. This can done by taking action, by beginning something. We need to be methodical in our actions and how we do things. We need to ensure that we do all we can to overcome barriers in our dealings. This can be done by believing in our abilities.

This initiation can take many different forms. By beginning to write, we also begin to create. This process of creation motivates us. We can then explore new thoughts and new areas in our life. We can become more of a whole.

It is the beginning of an activity the hardest part, it is the part where we don’t know where it is going to lead. We shouldn’t doubt ourselves, we should take responsibility and begin the writing process (or whatever the activity).

In order to enhance the outcome and focus on the process, we should learn to let go, to forget all distractions. We should learn to free our mind and to focus on the present moment.

We need to begin by initiating a way of thinking. This is to start living life as it is. This is about experiencing life moments. To be one with our way of being. We need to reflect on our steps. We need to ensure that we want to experience our life with thoughts unique to us. We need to experience our thoughts and realise what resonates to us and what is given to us by environment. There are some thoughts and feelings that we may have learned over the years through what others projected to us. We may have focused on external inputs instead of internal thoughts and feelings.

When we have access to thoughts and feelings that we accept and genuinely resonates with us, there is a feeling of satisfaction. We can be excited and happy for our achievement. Therefore we choose our experiences, in accordance to our genuine mode of thinking. We are meaning seeking beings and this means that as long as there is a higher purpose in our action, we can then fulfil our potential.

How do we remain true to our thoughts and understand our real self? This is a challenge since we can either think that our thoughts are deterministic where there is antecedent condition to every thought or event or we can think that there is a freedom to choose and experience new thoughts and events. The choice is yours? This is the paradox, the very reason that we can choose between these two school of thought suggests that we have freedom to experience real thoughts! And therefore points to the reality that this is a process and we go through this search for real thought and meaning in a circular motion.

This never ending seek for thoughts and meaning perhaps starts from our childhood where we are taught to do certain things, and behave in certain ways. We accept as a child the conditions that are given to us, and a lot of these conditions become part of us and grow in us. As we get older we begin to work through these conditions and way of thinking. As a result if we do well in our analysis of ourselves and have better self awareness then we can develop and understand ourselves and our way of thinking better.

Overall we need to take time to figure out our perspectives about things. Part of this figuring out is being comfortable to share our thoughts and feelings with others. Then we can acknowledge and express our genuine thoughts, feelings and beliefs. This will reduce stress and contribute to our personal satisfaction and wellbeing.

In order to reduce stress, to live a better live and achieve personal growth there needs to be:

  1. Open communication, this is to share our authentic thoughts with our loved ones
  2. Be patient and empathetic towards your loved ones
  3. Define what behaviours are acceptable and what behaviours are not by setting boundaries
  4. Seek support by surrounding oneself with people who support us
  5. Remembering the importance of staying connected with loved ones

Points mentioned above are important as we are social creatures therefore it is important for us to have communication with others. It is important for us to be open and to share our thoughts and feelings while knowing and having boundaries on what to share and what behaviours are acceptable. Also we need to be patient and empathetic towards others, this is to ensure that we can see things from other people point of view. Along the way we need to seek for help and support when needed while knowing that experiencing real thoughts and being authentic is not possible without being connected with others. This is a journey and ongoing therefore we should try and stay in present while knowing that in order to be true to ourselves we may face challenges and to really think and be authentic it is worth to face and overcome these challenges.

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