Revenge is a wounded soul fighting
Revenge is a no plan withstanding
Revenge is not finding a solution
Revenge is being lost while standing
Revenge is a no point of return
Revenge is last reason failing
Revenge is thoughts hiding
Revenge is friendships leaving
Revenge is not feeling alive
Revenge is failing to stand tall
Revenge is closing the doors
Revenge is forgetting words
Revenge is increasing our hurts
Revenge exists for wrongdoers
Revenge is bring justice home.
One side to a person who wants revenge is that this person has rage and resentfulness. In this case when wanting to do revenge we may lose the plot and not knowing what is right for us. When a person is faced with such circumstances then they don’t know what to do, how to make decisions, what is right for them and they don’t use reason as their judgement. In these circumstances the person is not understanding and logical, the person becomes reactive to circumstances and makes inaccurate judgements. This revenge is about our life circumstances and where we are faced with difficulties of not knowing what is right for us. This is when we try to deal with circumstances and we fail, we start to lose control, we start to make wrong decisions. Therefore revenge is partly angry and partly resentful. Revenge happens when we want the other person get the justice that they deserve.
There is also another another side to revenge, which is a more calculative revenge. This is when the person is logical in their plan and want to held someone else accountable for their action. Revenge is when there is a perceived wrong. This is a response to typically harm or punishment to the wrongdoer. There are many reasons for revenge. Revenge may be used to restore a sense of balance and justice in life. Revenge can also act as a releaser of anger, hurt, or betrayal through intense emotions. Revenge can stop future offenses from occurring by the wrongdoer. Also revenge can be result of restoring ones honour or reputation.

There are also emotional aspects of revenge. There are some beliefs that revenge provides closure and lets people move on with life. Revenge can also result in escalation and a cycle of retaliation between people. Revenge can also gets us in the cycle of guilt or regret and therefore complicating our emotional recovery.
Modern legal system is in place to stop this cycle of retaliation. This is because state administrative justice will oversee disagreements and replaces personal revenge. There is also ethical concerns in relation to revenge. Concepts such as forgiveness and morally coerciveness are opposed to revenge. There is moral belief that forgiveness is a more constructive way of dealing with wrongdoers since it is a more compassionate response. When people take the law in their own hand this can undermine the social order. Therefore reconciliation and repairing harm is needed and important.
In short term revenge can make the person feel better and provide a sense of satisfaction. However overtime the pursuit of revenge can prolong negative feelings and imped healings. Revenge is a multifaceted concept with roots in our psychological being. There is a challenge between balancing the short term benefit of revenge and its moral, emotional and societal effects on us. We need to consider long term well-being and justice when faced with revenge. We need to think about how to take account of historical factors and psychological factors when thinking about revenge.
In revenge psychological factors such as our mental health and others mental health play an important part. This is because the state we and others are at the point of revenge and before revenge is a contributing factor to our truth about the matter. Another point to consider is the historical element of the revenge and what has happened, how it has happened, what is the usual law in regards to the matter. By considering these two elements, it is easier to make decision is regards to revenge.
Revenge has negative connotation for the reason that the person is hurt in some shape or form, and want to bring justice to the ones doing the hurt. Therefore when hurt we can also consider other options such as acceptance, forgiveness, assertiveness, standing ones grounds, defending oneself and many other options. By knowing these options we are able to choose what is beneficial to us and others around us when making decisions.
Throughout history there are many occasions that revenge is considered part of our code of conduct. For example the Code of Hummurabi is the earliest sets of laws recorded in ancient Babylon that records revenge as part of it. It emphasizes on the principle of “an eye for an eye”, this idea still influences our legal system today.
When speaking about revenge we mostly may think of an angry person who wants to bring justice to her or him self. But the truth about revenge is far from this. Revenge can be calculated, thought after actionable plan. Revenge is more complex than a simple tick for tack. Revenge may make us lose sleep, desperately make us want someone else to pay for their mistakes. In one hand seeing the offender suffer brings a sense of emotional balance and the victim of the wrongdoing feel satisfied whether or not responsible for the misfortune. The other is that offenders suffering is not enough and they need to also make direct connection between their suffering and the initial behaviour. The problem is that justice definition varies from one person to another.
There are benefits to revenge too. For example revenge results in cooperation against the aggressor. It may force the aggressor not to try and do the act again. Also revenge can unite people to be productive and to work towards a common goal. This may sound counter intuitive at times but also there is a growing system called forgiveness instinct. This is where people try and suppress their will to revenge and try to continue with their life. This is not usually the way the brain functions but nevertheless is a peaceful way of letting nature take its course.
Overall when there is an aggressor, it is important to be aware of the way we deal with them. We need to try and stand our ground while also not get too caught up in psychological issues related to wanting revenge. Instead a calm and calculated action taking account of our thoughts and our interests is beneficial.