Tragedy and accepting life

Tragedy is part of our everyday life. It is something that will happen to us. We are all part of a life full of loss and misery. There are positive sides to life but also there are anxiousness, depression and many negative events too. These negative and positive parts of life are what make life a whole. An event that causes great suffering is somethings that can happen to any of us. We need to try and be prepared for these life events. We need to know that life can change for worse at any given moment, therefore by knowing this we can be prepared for life events.

We can overcome, get to know, understand, come to peace with life tragedies as long as we have a realistic outlook in life. This realistic outlook means accepting goodness and badness in life. There is an interrelationship between dark sides of life and more pleasant sides of life. From every tragedy in life there can be a positive possibility or potential. We need to accept bright sides of life in our darkest momentsĀ  in order for our life to have meaning. Negative and positive sides of our life work in similar ways, in a very unpredictable way they complement or interact with each other, so we need to accept this as our reality.

Tragedy is a part of our life darkness and also it is part of our inner being – This is a part that we need to accept and move on in life. We each have history and within our history we experience many ups and downs. What we make of ourselves is what matters. We can look at tragedy as start of something bigger and more important. A tragedy in life is a moment of great suffering and every great suffering has a cause, we need to either accept the cause and come to terms with it or/and try and change the cause and our outlook towards it.

We need to understand that accepting life tragedies is easier said than done. We shouldn’t expect ourselves to get to acceptance stage of grief overnight. This process takes time and we should go through this slowly ensuring that we feel our emotions and accepting that nothing in life will ever be the same is important.

Grief can be difficult to navigate as a result of a tragedy. This can be losing someone dear to us, there is an emotional turmoil we feel as part of grief. People go through different stages of grief and the order, intensity and duration may vary from person to person. When faced with grief after a tragedy we need to be patient and have self compassion. We need to reach out and try and get right support and level of care if needed. This will help us come with terms with the reality of the situation. We need to accept that there is a new normal and we should come with terms with this as this will impact our relationships, life and trajectory.

We learn about life using our limited perception. This perception is not complete and has many short comes. In every tragedy there is the tragedy, how we received this tragedy and ourselves. We have control over how we perceive a tragedy and also ourselves. Therefore we need to focus on these elements. In order to learn to perceive events in the right way, we need to be aware that our mind makes judgement and this judgement is not necessarily complete and therefore needs to be analysed. Another issue is that our state of being at the time we perceive tragedy is also a factor on how much it will influence us.


There are many worries in life and we get to experience many of these worries throughout our lives. By learning how to deal with life issues and to equip ourselves with these tools we can get to better handle life events. This will prepare us for dealing with life tragedies and griefs. This readiness is dependant on our attitude and work. We also need to know that there is unfairness in life and therefore we need to prepare ourselves to deal with these unfairness and to intentionally minimise any unwanted worries or grief.

Sometimes we create our own tragedies in life and it is not an external force impacting us. We may be neglecting our health, making wrong decisions, neglecting our relationships and many other examples. These can also be sources of tragedy. When the actions are destructive of the others and also self destructive, this is when tragedy happens. Tragedy happens in relation to the event and people involved in the tragedy. There is also possibility of tragedy happening within one person. This is where there are two opposing forces within one person. This is when a person needs to allocate a lot of intellect and emotional resource to a particular problem and choose one direction over other. This then results in suffering and sometimes the person keeps on making and changing decisions resulting in a circular tragic decision making. Therefore in tragedy external forces impact the person, also internal frame of reference impacts the person. Lastly there are environmental forces that also contribute to a tragic situation.

There is a relation between tragedy, catharsis and reconciliation. When a person deals with life through mind and action then the focus of life is towards life instincts and not death instincts. This helps the person to catharsis and make reconciliation with life. It is about relationship building with oneself, others and environment while maintaining personal connectedness with others and not to be delusional with one-sidedness.

Some may think that tragedy offers only destruction, confusion and uncertainty. But there are also hidden parts to tragedy, as it can also bring greatness, balance, and better spirit of togetherness. Tragedy is multifaceted and complex therefore there are many factors that contribute to this ongoing outcome of tragedy. There is no one point of outcome to tragedy, it can happen in all shapes and forms. When faced with tragedy accepting it as part of life and moving on with life is key to valuing life as it is.

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