We have our lives to experience new events and to gain a better understanding. Environment impacts us greatly. It effects our thoughts, feelings and decisions. We need to learn to not let our deluded self make decisions for us. This means that we have a self that is product of the society (Parents, friends, and those around us), as well as a self that is product of our wishful thinking, a product of our own creation. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t learn from those around us, but it means that we need to be selective in what we apply to our life. Therefore we shouldn’t accept everything blindly, instead we should learn to have our own opinions and thoughts when dealing with life.
We need to separate ourselves from the self that is not beneficial to us. We need to exercise our choice. Our wishes are our desires and no matter what we do they will manifest themselves in us. Therefore by exercising our right to explore and experience life we get to benefit from a side of life that we want to experience and learn from, a side of life that is beneficial to our organic and real self.
Overall our life is dependant to our relations with our wishes. Our wishes are partly result of our environment and it is us and our relation to the environment that creates our wishes and therefore our destiny. We need to optimise our interaction with the environment in ways that helps us fulfil our desires and wishes. We can fulfil these wishes as long as we are self aware and we know that there are limitation to our desires. These limitation of choice is what creates our wishes fulfilled. This is because we will have limited choices and from these limited choices, we can then be selective and have gratitude. By being selective within limits, we exert control over our decisions, and choose carefully. It needs to be a responsible wishful choice.
However there is more to a wishful choice, By wishful choice there is a link with wishful thinking where there is an unrealistic expectation of the reality. This is where there is overoptimism, ignorance to risk and bias towards decision making. Where personal desires cloud our judgements often leading to decisions that are not grounded in reality. This may lead to poor decision making and negative outcome. In the opposite end there is also possibility of innovation as the belief in a desired outcome can motivate individual to take relevant bold steps.
Therefore responsibility towards our choices and actions allow us to be accountable for our actions and the consequences. This is fundamental to our behaviour and involves acknowledging the role ones decision play in shaping outcomes. As part of responsibility the person is accountable for ones decisions and their impact, acts in accordance to ethical and moral standards, and make informed decisions while being aware of the potential consequences.
There is an interplay between wishful choice and responsibility. While wishful choice are often guided by our desires, and not reality, responsibility is grounded in reality and the consequences of our actions. Therefore the key is to balance these two to help us do well in life.
We need awareness and reflection in what we do and what we try to achieve, this is possible by being aware of our wishful thinking while reflecting on potential consequences of such choices. We also need to ground our decision making process on facts while being open to change and exploring new ideas. Lastly take consideration of our ethical values, ensuring that our decisions are not harming others.
Wishful choice can drive ambition and innovation, however it must be balanced with responsibility to ensure that our decisions are realistic, ethical and take account of potential consequences. Therefore recognising and managing our wishful thinking is crucial for our responsible decision making.
In regards to choice, we make choices everyday, first we realise that a choice needs to be made, then we consider the context in which the decision is being made. Thereafter we gather more information from facts, data, and other inputs. The goal is to understand the options available and the potential consequences of our decision making. Usually what happens in wishful choice is that our emotion also plays a major part in our decision making. Therefore we don’t necessarily weigh the evidence and review the decision and its consequences. Therefore we need to be aware of our emotional and psychological factors and how they influence our decision making. For example we maybe fearful, excited, stress or biased towards something; Therefore our decision making is effected. By being aware of state of mind as well as being flexible with certain uncertainties help us adapt when new information emerges. Another element to consider is collaboration, throughout our life a lot of decisions are made in collaboration with others, therefore consulting with others to gain additional perspective and improve outcome is necessary.
We need to know that we have a sense of duty towards our choices and these choices can be rational or base on our experiences. Most of the time our decisions are combination of rationality and experience, therefore in order to have a freedom to choose, we need to have responsibility for our choices and see ourselves as dutiful towards our choices, and actions while considering options that are beneficial to us and don’t harm others.
In terms of our freedom to choose, we need to be aware of challenges and limitations, contributing factors our economic and social constraints, cultural and social norms, psychological factors, as well as legal and ethical boundaries. While point mentioned our challenges and limitations, they are also necessary points in human relationships and dynamics of our society and need to be accepted as well as challenged.
As part of a democratic society human dignity and personal fulfilment in crucial when considering freedom of choice. People need to be able to express themselves, and to gain relevant momentum to pursue their values and goals. This fosters creativity and innovation in a society and it is a fundamental aspect of human liberty. In regards to wishful choice by a person, this freedom needs to be balance with consideration of justice, equality as well as the wellbeing of others,
In conclusion, freedom of choice is a foundational aspect of individual liberty and societal development. However, it must be balanced with considerations of justice, equality, and the well-being of others to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to make meaningful and informed choices.